Are You Completely Happy?
While visiting with a potential new customer this week to determine if she was completely happy with her current copier service, she stated she is in a bad marriage. Here are 4 ways you can tell you are in a bad marriage with your current technology provider.
Wandering Eyes
We have all been caught “looking” at one time or another. We see other technology providers looking around your office and trying to become your provider for networks, phones, and anything else that touches the network. It starts out innocent enough, but quickly turns into silos inside their company with competing values and different goals. Our focus is on your print/copy/scan/document needs. We partner with your organization and ensure all of these functions perform properly, at all times, without introducing another person or partner into our marriage. If you need phones, call a phone company. If you need an outstanding partner that is focused on your document needs, call us!
Mutual Respect
A healthy relationship is built on mutual respect. We respect your core values and understand our incremental part in the relationship to help you meet and exceed your business goals by providing the right technology to enable your employees to perform at their highest levels. We earn and keep your respect by doing exactly what we promise! We provide a unique technology solution, customized to fit your specific business needs, and follow it all up with ongoing care and feeding to ensure we have a long and loving relationship.
You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling
As our industry continues to mature, we see bad habits forming with most of our competitors. It starts out with cutting the operating budget for services, but quickly turns into a hunt for profit in every corner of the operation. Our technicians are rewarded for fixing issues. They are not budgeted for time spent with each customer or penalized for using parts or supplies. They are focused on your satisfaction. It may seem simple, but it is often overlooked in today’s world. Frequently we hand-deliver your supply orders and check on your satisfaction during each visit. We have dedicated customer service representatives, at each location, answering the phones and listening to your needs – they often recognize your voice and remember you from your last call. You never have to “press 1 to feel like a number” at Texas Document Solutions!
Who’s in Charge?
Finally, when conflict does arise, we know it takes a great listener and an open mind to solve most marital issues; solving technology issues is no different. Once we have established a trusting relationship, and demonstrate our mutual respect for each other, solving conflict in the relationship becomes easier. Talking through any challenge with an open mind, and a problem solving approach, often leads to a fast and rewarding outcome. The ongoing communication process with our sales, service, and administrative staff provides growth in our relationship throughout the agreement and does not require a “business review” 90 days before the end of a 4 or 5 year old contract to uncover ongoing resentment or disappointment.
It May be Time to Start Over with Your Copier Service Provider
If your current provider is making you feel less than appreciated when you beg for copier service, you may be in a bad marriage. We consult businesses daily and find a path to happiness with better services, better technology, but most of all by delivering an ongoing loving feeling in the marriage of our two businesses. We work at it every single day in the hope of growing old together.
Contact Texas Document Solutions
Contact us today to learn more about local, fast, reliable, services and the ongoing love and care your business deserves.
Very good information! I should have read this years ago!
Hey Dan,
Me too! it took me three times!!
Working for TDS is especially rewarding because of the facts mentioned in the “You’ve lost that lovin’ feeling” section. As a member of the field service team it is important to me to be able to replace parts needed to repair and maintain our machines well. Due to our diligence in performing preventative maintenance our machines live longer lives! Happy machines make for happy customers! Partly because of this company’s focus on excellent service rather than the underlying cost of parts, or “quotas” placed on service technicians, we have the most outstanding assemblage of talent I have ever had the pleasure of working with!